The Impact of Colonialism on Indigenous Land and Resources


  • Ilinca Moraru


This article examines the colonial expansion that dominates and exploits Indigenous communities. The
development of imperialism catalyses loss of native land and resources, social, economic, and political
marginalisation, discriminatory ethnocentric laws which in turn breaks down traditional aboriginal
structures. Native cultures, identities, education, languages, and more are destroyed by the intruders. Land is
an economic asset which allows Native People to acquire natural resources, including farming and hunting,
as well as being a spiritually and culturally significant. However, these lands are wanted for ‘development’
and ‘progress’ by colonisers. Indigenous Peoples are forced into relocation, leasing to a loss of traditional
life, connection to ancestors and Native identity. The destructive nature of colonialism remains prevalent in
modern society.
Incorporating evidence from various academic journals and articles, personal responses and diaries, this
article demonstrates persistent and ongoing consequences and hardships that the Indigenous groups face.
Many Native rights activists have been murdered for opposing ‘development’ laws, essentially projects for
deforestation or other equally damaging projects. This article will explain the direct and unjust consequences
colonialism imposes unto Indigenous Peoples.


